July, 15, 2009 - October, 11, 2009

Portugal, Lisbon, the National Museum of Ancient Art

Organized by:
the National Museum of Ancient Art

Mountain-shaped censerThe exhibition comprises numerous items from all over the world, telling us about the cross-cultural dialogue that followed the establishment of Portugal's world trading network in the XVIth and XVIIth centuries. The sections of the display are dedicated to various countries, having formed the commercial empire of Portugal, which soon reached to Africa, India, China, Southeast Asia, Japan, and Brazil. The highlight of the exposition is a panel - group portrait of the Portuguese society of the XVth century and two screens from Namba, depicting the Portuguese in Japan.

The Moscow Kremlin Museums presents a unique piece of goldsmithery - the mountain-shaped container for burning incense, displayed in a special section of the exhibition, dedicated to European spicery trade. The empire of Portugal was established on a base of trading relations and commercial interests which served as a strong incentive for voyages of Portuguese ships to foreign countries. This figured censer, having been executed in Hamburg in the early XVIIth century, was purchased for the Tsar's collection in 1628 from the treasury of King Christian IV of Denmark.
